The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Ingoldsby Academy

Founded in 1877, Ingoldsby is a mixed Primary School, for children from 4 to 11 years old with a nursery facility on site at the school, taking children from their third birthday.

Principal's Welcome

I would like to offer you a warm welcome to Ingoldsby Academy!

We are exceptionally proud to be a small school that is small enough to nurture, yet big enough to inspire our pupils to aim high and grasp every opportunity with both hands.

As part of the David Ross Education Trust, an enriched curriculum that develops the whole child underpins our approach to education.  We pride ourselves on our approachability.  Our PTFA is hands-on and very involved in school life.  We will go above and beyond to help our families and children.

Although we are a small rural school, we are far from isolated.  Being part of a trust with 34 schools enables us to share best practice and work with both small and large schools around the country.  We share the trust’s ambition to provide a world class education for all of our pupils. This means that excellent staff training is a priority for our amazing team.

In November 2023, we received another ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted and since then have continued to grow and leap from strength to strength.

Ofsted highlighted that one parent echoed the views of many when they stated that: “It is incredibly clear that the school has at its core the empowerment of children to become the best they can be.”

"Pupils’ personal development is carefully considered and all pupils have access to a range of extra-curricular activities," said the report.

This year there has been a real buzz in school.  Working with the music team in the trust and the Royal Opera, all staff and children have been inspired to find their voice and sing!   Adam, our professional dance teacher, works with all pupils every week to develop confidence, coordination and creativity.  More than a third of our pupils tool part in the production of Joseph at St Wulfram's church in Grantham last summer and we cannot wait to see our pupils in their next project this summer 'Oliver'.

Our outdoor classroom encourages staff and pupils alike to get outside and learn in our beautiful surroundings.


If you would like more information then please get in touch.  I would be happy to welcome you to the school and show you around.

I would like to extend a special welcome to our new pupils and families joining us in September and the summer term.

Ms Melanie Capes