The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Ingoldsby Academy

Founded in 1877, Ingoldsby is a mixed Primary School, for children from 4 to 11 years old with a nursery facility on site at the school, taking children from their third birthday.

Remote Learning

A message from Mrs Capes             

Dear Parents/Carers,

Here is our remote learning area.  We hope that this area provides support and motivation while clearly sharing our aspirations for high quality learning for all.

First and foremost, the welfare and well-being of our pupils is central as always and as a school we are here for you all, please do let us know if you need anything.  Expect a weekly welfare call where we will just check that you are coping and offer a genuine helping hand should you need anything.  We care for our community and you all matter to us.

Our remote learning offer for your child is designed to support progress in their learning; the same curriculum is being followed in school and at home.

Our super staff at Ingoldsby Academy and our professional colleagues throughout the trust have created all the remote learning provisions for each class. Please click on the appropriate link for your year group on the right hand side for more details.  From years 1-6, provision is on Google Classroom and for EYFS, lessons are provided through Tapestry. We are also using Microsoft TEAMS to deliver Live lessons. Our Remote LIVE Lessons Microsoft TEAMS Timetable is available in the Remote Learning Provision section.

As well as Microsoft TEAM live lessons, home learning booklets, videos, voice over presentations and lesson introductions can be found on Google Classroom, this is our primary platform for remote learning as it has tailored sessions for your child created by their teachers to help make their learning experience at home similar to that at school with inclusive, supportive instructions and an opportunity to feedback once the work has been submitted. 

Should you have any further queries please contact the school on: 01476 585278

Parent.DRET.Cloud - Parent Guidance and Support

Primary.DRET.Cloud - Student Remote Access


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