The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Ingoldsby Academy

Founded in 1877, Ingoldsby is a mixed Primary School, for children from 4 to 11 years old with a nursery facility on site at the school, taking children from their third birthday.

Pupil Page

Welcome to our new pupil page. 

Reading together

wbd digital library.pdf


Read aloud choices of the term:

Early Years



Key Stage One

Key Stage Two


Investigators books- extras

Online Books


Oxford Owl- login needed


Story time from Space


Practising Number facts

We use Numbots to practice our key number facts from early years onwards.

In Early Years we use the Number blocks to reinforce concepts.  Use the link to play.

Number blocks

We use TT Rock Stars to learns times tables fluently

We also use songs to learn our tables!

Kestrels are working on:



BBC bitesize times tables; Log in here

KS1 Maths Games

Karate Cats Maths

 KS2 Maths games

 BBC Guardians of Mathematica



Year 6

10 minute tests

Key Stage 2 Assembly

d day assembly.pptx


 Well being


Mood crew tools

mood crew forgetful footwear.pdf


mood crew lets stay together.pdf


mood crew the smoosh factor.pdf


mood crew tripping into confidence.pdf


mood crew turn on your heartlight.pdf