The following page provides an overview of the broad and interesting curriculum which is in operation at Ingoldsby Academy.
The ultimate vision for our curriculum is to provide the children with a broad, challenging and exciting curriculum that supports well being, relationships and creativity.
Curriculum is Key 2023
At Ingoldsby Academy, we teach a carefully planned, knowledge-rich curriculum which aims to inspire pupils and promote excellent outcomes for all.
The curriculum content has been carefully chosen by talented subject experts within our trust and is organised in a coherent way, ensuring children can build their knowledge of concepts from Key Stage to Key Stage. In this way, the knowledge in the curriculum is progressive, constructing firm foundations and schema from which children can progress and develop deeper conceptual understanding and subject-specific knowledge and skills over time that will not only equip them for further study in the future but give them the general knowledge and vocabulary to hold their own.
Curriculum coherence enables children to develop knowledge over time, as well as a love of subjects. Subject content is crucial to this approach- the rich content of the curriculum inspires children and plants the seeds for a lifetime of learning.
Lessons are taught with talk and thinking critically at the heart. Children are encouraged to learn in a variety of ways.
For further information about the curriculum followed at Ingoldsby Academy please contact us.
Our Curriculum Intent
Subject Lead- Jeanette Glendinning 
At Ingoldsby Academy we recognise that English is the key to communication, understanding and enjoyment in all subjects across the curriculum and beyond. Our approach to writing is consistent throughout our school to ensure children make the best possible progress. We teach English using the Talk for Writing framework We choose high quality and language rich texts in our lessons designed to excite and ignite children’s imaginations. The texts used are intended to help build children’s rich and varied vocabulary and encourage them to become great story tellers. These building blocks help our children become confident and successful in their writing.
Each unit of work in Talk for Writing begins with an assessment task called the Cold Write which the children work on independently. In Talk for Writing sessions children gain experience of a variety of different genres such as newspaper articles, instructions, recounts, imaginative settings and poems. Pupils have opportunity to learn a text through reading, dramatic performances or recitals for example. They will then have opportunity to imitate it in their own writing before moving on to the innovation stage of Talk for Writing and applying their skills in a new context. Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar are taught as part of the T4W lessons. We also explore opportunities for cross- curricular writing. Our Talk for Writing lessons are linked to the National Curriculum objectives. At the end of the unit children complete a hot write task which we will use to assess progress.
Ingoldsby Academy uses the Read Write Inc spelling programme to help our children learn to be confident and competent spellers, learning common spelling patterns and rules. Alongside this spelling programme we teach children to learn to spell the common exception words which do not always adhere to the usual rules for spelling.
Consistency is key. At Ingoldsby Academy we firmly believe that it is crucial that all members of staff model the handwriting expectations (semi-cursive). Work on whiteboards and flip charts will match the expectations that set for the children as appropriate to the year group taught (see above progression document - attached).
During the delivery of handwriting at Ingoldsby, pupils are taught using different methods. These can include but are not limited to: rhymes to help them remember letter formation; teacher modelling and demonstration; independent practice and application and peer and self-assessment.
Children at Ingoldsby are given the skills and resources they need to allow them to reach their full potential. This includes ensuring all children have the correct resources (either a sharp pencil or a pen); the correct seated position; pencil grip and book orientation.
We strive to ensure that when our children finish Year 6 they will understand the importance of presentation and how the use of different letter forms such as cursive, print or capitalisation can convey different meanings.
Subject Lead- Rebecca Woodcock 
Languages plays a vital role within the curriculum at Ingoldsby Academy. We believe that learning an ancient language allows the children to immerse themselves in the history of language, applying this to the wider curriculum. Our curriculum promotes curiosity and deepens understanding of the world. Learning Latin enables pupils to both communicate their ideas in another language and discover the origins of many words we use today. We also strive, through our Latin curriculum, to increase self-confidence and enable social mobility through wider opportunities in the future.
Subject Lead- Katie Howells 
At Ingoldsby Academy, we use Effective Maths, which is used to support children to progress quickly and develop mastery of mathematical processes. Lessons are designed and planned carefully to meet the needs of every child and incorporates the elements below:
- mastery
- procedural and conceptual understanding
- variation
- mathematical patterns, relationships and connections
This approach allows children from the earliest opportunity to gain number facts and concepts. By mastering these early on means that other concepts can be taught quicker in other year groups.
At Ingoldsby Academy, we have introduced a fluency daily session, which is intended to embed these key concepts and develop fluency throughout the year groups. This also allows the children to apply their knowledge in different contexts by using the overarching principle which Effective Maths follows of ‘know’, ‘know why’ and ‘apply.
Subject Lead- Rebecca Woodcock 
As a result of the accumulation of essential knowledge and skills, pupils’ science capital and scientific understanding will be substantial and will provide a secure foundation that will enable them to succeed in the next stage of their education.
At Ingoldsby Academy, we aim to stimulate children's curiosity about scientific ideas and phenomena by engaging our pupils through the development of their scientific understanding. Science lessons are designed with working scientifically at the core to encourage pupils to plan, observe, predict, investigate and analyse.
Subject Lead- Rebecca Woodcock 
At Ingoldsby Academy, pupils have planned opportunities to use their creativity and imagination, to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. Through a variety of creative and practical activities, we teach the technical skills, knowledge and understanding needed to engage in an interactive process of designing and making. When designing and making, we ensure the pupils are familiar with the design cycle:
- Design – use research and develop design criteria to design for a purpose and communicate their ideas through a range of mediums.
- Make – use a wider range of tools and equipment with accuracy and use a wider range of materials and components according to their qualities.
- Evaluate – evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work.
The DT Curriculum includes links to designs and designers throughout history, enabling pupils to critically reflect upon and evaluate their own designs. We aim to, wherever possible, link work to other disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. This gives the learning purpose, relevance and context to the pupils
Subject Lead- Katie Howells 
During a time, where children have a good understanding of computing, here at Ingoldsby Academy, we understand how important it is that children develop the necessary skills to stay safe online , how to be responsible and respectful to others. We also understand how important it is that we consolidate and enhance their ideas and do this through programming skills and through aspects of computer science.
Computing is split into three fundamental elements: Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology.
History and Geography
Subject Leader- Katie Howells 
At Ingoldsby Academy, our Geography curriculum builds children's knowledge through two distinct strands ; Locational Knowledge and Human and Physical Geography. This allows pupils to gain essential knowledge through frameworks and approaches which explain how the Earth’s features are shaped, interconnected and change over time.
Our History Curriculum equips pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. It helps children to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.
Pupils will secure a significant historical perspective by placing their growing knowledge into different contexts and understand connections between local, regional, national and international history that they study during their time here.
Religious Education
Subject Leader- Melanie Capes 
At Ingoldsby Academy, we understand that everyone has a world view. We teach RE as a core part of our school curriculum to help our pupils develop their religious literacy. We understand religious literacy to be:
“Our pupils’ ability to hold balanced and well-informed conversations about religion and worldviews”. The essential outcomes for RE are therefore related to the knowledge and understanding of religion and worldviews and are rooted in a multi-disciplinary understanding of the subject. The compulsory units on the Lincolnshire agreed syllabus for RE focus on Christianity and Islam at KS1 and Christianity, Hinduism and Islam at KS2.
RE is rooted in three disciplines or disciplinary fields. These are thinking (philosophy), believing (theology) and living (human/social sciences).
- 2022 Ingoldsby RE
- Geography
- Geography Progression
- Golden threads Ingoldsby 2022
- History
- History Progression 2022
- RE
Subject Lead- Jeanette Glendinning and Charlotte Schofield

Music plays a central role within the curriculum at DRET schools and is fundamental to our wider trust mission of creating aspirational and knowledge-rich pupils. Music is taught daily by classroom teachers using lessons developed by music specialists from across the Trust. This allows all pupils to access a wide range of music from across a range genres, cultures and time periods.
The DRET Music curriculum aims to ensure that all children:
- Sing with a wide range and with a variety of expressions.
- Sing confidently in parts.
- Read staff notation.
- Experience playing an orchestral instrument in class ensemble (and to be given the opportunity to continue learning the instrument in smaller groups/one-to-one).
- Hear a youth or professional orchestra live.
- Hear a youth, church or professional choir live
Pupils will understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the interrelated dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations
This year we are particularly proud to gain the Music Mark.
Subject Lead- Jeanette Glendinning 
Our Art & Design curriculum stimulates creativity and imagination through visual, tactile and sensory experiences.
Our aim is for children to enjoy Art & Design through developing increased confidence in their ability to communicate what they feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form and pattern using different materials, tools and techniques.
Art is frequently taught through cross curricular lessons and we employ a wide range of mediums ranging from paint and pencil to digital and photography.
Health and Wellbeing
Subject Leader- Rebecca Woodcock 
Ingoldsby Academy is part of a strong community and the staff are steadfastly commited to the health, safety and wellbeing and it's pupils and families. PSHE is taught comprehensively and thoroughly, ensuring progressive covering af key concepts is secured. This gives pupils the skills and knowledge they need to navigate their world and develop positive relationships with others.
PE and Dance
Subject Leader- Katie Howells, Michelle Bland and Alex Green 

Physical development play an integral part in the curriculum at Ingoldsby Academy. Through PE and dance pupils are encouraged to exceed and excel.
We understand that learning the correct fundamental movement skills and fundamental sports skills at the right time in a child’s life significantly increases the chances of these children going on to live a healthy active life. Furthermore, our extensive PE and school sport curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their mental and physical well-being.
Children of all sporting ability have the opportunity to compete in a wide range of activities, which helps them to build their characters and resilience, along with embedding values such as fairness and respect.
Early Years
Subject Leader- Emily Collins
Curriculum Leader- Melanie Capes 
At Ingoldsby, we want our children, at the end of our EYFS, to be to be well rounded, happy, confident citizens of the world. To be risk takers, questioners of knowledge and the world around them and also to be listeners, speakers, readers and thinkers. Our curriculum is ambitious in its knowledge content and tailored to suit the needs and next steps of all learners. The knowledge our children gain from our enriching and challenging curriculum gives children the start they need to succeed in life
There are 3 Prime areas:
- Communication and Language
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
There are also 4 Specific areas:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
EYFS Documents
- Cardinality
- Comparison
- Composition
- EYFS Maths
- Ingoldsby EYFS Curriclum Intent
- Pattern
- Spatial relationships
British Values
The Trust is very supportive of the ethos of promoting British Values, and preparing our pupils for success in a modern Britain.
A heavy reliance is placed upon broadening horizons for each and every child and this includes developing the core skills of tolerance, respect, teamwork, resilience and building self esteem. These are all values and qualities that we feel are relevant in order to play a full and meaningful role in society, and are promoted via our extensive house system that lends itself to cultural and sporting competition, democratic principles, social mixing, the development of greater pastoral care and enhanced PSHE.
At Ingoldsby Academy we uphold and teach pupils about the British Values which are defined as:
- democracy
- rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
These values are taught explicitly through Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE), and Religious Education (RE). We also teach the British Values through planning and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum, and the way we run our Academy (embodying respect, democracy and tolerance of all).
The school takes opportunities to actively promote British Values through our half termly focus on a different value and whole school themed assemblies and whole school systems.We also actively promote the British values through ensuring that our curriculum planning and delivery includes real opportunities for exploring these values. Actively promoting British Values also means challenging pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including ‘extremist’ views.
These values are reinforced regularly.
Click here to find out more about British Values at our academy